Plaque and orthodontic treatment
It’s interesting to think about what makes orthodontic treatment go faster or slower.
Orthodontists have always tried to speed up treatment so that patients don’t lose their patience during treatment, which can be a big problem - once patients lose their patience, their cooperation usually diminishes as well. This makes treatment more difficult and stressful for everyone.
One of the things that can greatly affect treatment time is the hygiene of the patient. Interestingly enough, hygiene can both increase the length of treatment or decrease it! When patients refuse or are incapable of maintaining good hygiene during treatment, the orthodontist is faced with a crossroads.
Do they continue to treat, knowing that doing so will compromise the health of the teeth or discontinue treatment?
Discontinuing treatment will abruptly end treatment at a shorter interval than originally planned. The result will also be a compromised one.
On the other hand, if the orthodontist continues to treat the patient, lots of appointment time will be consumed with repeated hygiene instruction and hygiene appointments. This leads to a slower than anticipated timeline thus increasing treatment times.
Either way, Ortho-buddy is an essential part of the orthodontic treatment. It allows those patients that struggle with hygiene to succeed and to succeed easily. This allows orthodontic treatment to proceed on time.
There are no worries about needless hygiene interruptions, delayed results, and disappointing results! A simple and effective solution to a very difficult problem!