What is plaque?

What is plaque?

Over the 35 years that I have been practicing orthodontics, it’s always surprising how few people know what plaque is, especially because it can have a big impact on the outcome of orthodontic treatment.

So what exactly is plaque?  

Plaque is a colony of bacteria that lives and grows on the surface of everyone’s teeth. It is this bacteria that causes all the damage that can occur to someone’s teeth during their lifetime. Plaque causes damage to the surfaces of teeth, white spots and decay. It also causes damage to the gum tissue (gingivitis) and causes damage to the underlying bone support of the teeth (periodontitis). 

Therefore, we can conclude that all dental problems can be eliminated by one thing - good tooth brushing and flossing.

The problems occur because many people do not have good dental hygiene habits or techniques.

With braces on, the technique of toothbrushing becomes very difficult. This is where Ortho-buddy changes everything. The technique is simplified, and effectiveness is amplified.

When the hygiene of the orthodontic patient is excellent, it allows the orthodontist to focus on achieving excellent results without compromising the dental health of his patients.